Saturday, October 23, 2010

Good Morning at the Marina

This morning I wrangled myself out of bed, fighting the oppressive comfort of the comforter. I pulled on shoes and a sweatshirt, and hopped in my car. I went to La Farine, the best bakery ever, and got the ham and cheese puff pastry. These concoctions are filled with unadulterated delight. I swear, the first time I had one I thought I had died and gone to pastry heaven. I'm not one for sweets (except anything gummy) so the savory pastry is right up my alley.

I brought pastries and coffee back to my lathargic boyfriend, and we got our two Huskies (Jack and Spike) ready to go.

They love to ride in the car, sticking their faces just slightly out the window, sometimes with just their noses resting on the top of the glass of the window, pulling up their top lips, which results in their front teeth being hilariously exposed.

We arrived at the San Leandro Marina just as their dog class was starting.

They had a great class, were (mostly) good, and had a nice cool time on this overcast October day.

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