Thursday, October 27, 2011

Wish I'd Joined Sooner

Join the Travel Hacking Cartel

I have recently discovered, to my utter joy, the Travel Hacking Cartel. Though I have been able to travel fairly cheaply in the past—by merely trolling sites like Kayak, looking for the cheapest flights to...well...anywhere—this site will help me rack up airline miles  for even cheaper airfare.

I have my sights on Botswana and Panama (ideally, everywhere else, but I try to keep my goals focused.)

And there's another neat thing about this site: you can get miles by referring people to the site (see where I'm going?). How you do this is by sharing your referral link (like mine: ) with your friends, family, and shamelessly posting it on your blog. :) Then after those people sign up, they can repeat the process. Win-Win-Win...until forever.

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