Monday, November 16, 2009


"At least I'm not pigeon-toed" he told her in a fit of rage. She threw a basket of mini muffins at him in retaliation. He ducked, and fortunately the basket flew over his head. Unfortunately the muffins cascaded out of the basket and rained down upon him. They laughed together, momentarily forgetting. But then they remembered, he realized he had blueberry crumbs embedded in his hair, she remembered how embarassed she was about her inward facing feet. One by one a whisk, a potted plant, a "Volcanos Rock!" magnet, and a small tabby cat were hurdled across the room. One by one a whisk, the broken shards of a pot, a "Volcanos Rock!" magnet, and a very disoriented tabby cat were hurded back to where they originated. Fortunately for the cat it landed on it's feet, as would be expected. Unfortunately it found nowhere good to hide after it's second ascent, so it resorted to crouching by the toaster, which was shortly thereafter flung towards the muffined man, who wasn't so fortunate this time around.

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